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Family Walking

What We Do

We provide opportunities for leaders of Christian youth and families to connect with one another and learn about topics relevant to Christian families in our community. 


Our informational and networking events are held in Corning, NY.

Topics & Format

We focus on issues that benefit from broad Christian and community engagement.  Past topics include Christian education, public education, mental health, working in the trades and contemporary gender theory.  


Events typically include a speaker or panel of speakers with time for questions and discussion.  We emphasize respectful inquiry and dialogue, local information, local speakers, and word-of-mouth awareness and invitation (join our mailing list here).  We do not use social media.


We may also work on ad hoc projects relating to supporting Christian youth and families in the community, based on areas of need identified at our events.  


Have a suggestion for a future topic or speaker?  Send us a message through our site or email us at

Family in the Park


We welcome parents of Christian youth OR any adult who supports Christian students or families, including grandparents, pastors, youth leaders, educators and health care professionals in the Corning area.  




All are welcome to participate in our public events, regardless of personal beliefs or religious affiliation.  We ask attendees to respect our mission and Statement of Faith.

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